Thursday, March 30, 2017

Shark Conservation

    "Dna Dna Dna.... Dna!" While the music is playing, the character is sitting in the open ocean just minding their own business. Suddenly, the eeriness of the movie will stop and a shark jumps out of no where. All the viewer sees after this is a pool of blood and no body.

     That's the synonymous scene that the viewer always as seen in the movies that have to with sharks. These movies set and sense of fear and negative connotation of sharks. Many people seem to have this big fear of sharks  because of the influence Hollywood and other media outlets have placed on sharks. When really humans pose a bigger threat to sharks than they do to humans.

     In the past few years, many shark species have fallen close to being on the endangered list. Much of this is due to ocean pollution and overfishing. People have started to realize that these animals must be saved from the prejudice and stigmas they have before its to late.

     If people are able to see that sharks don't pose that great of a threat to us, then they may see that they need to be advocates for shark conservation. "According to scientist, sharks risk being driven to extinction due to overfishing, with almost 100 million killed each year"(Guardian).  Many countries don't control fishing regulations on sharks because the revenue they are able to bring in is more important to them.

Image result for shark fishing graph

This photo above shows that the global shark catch has rapidly increased over that past sixty years, and isn't going to decline any time soon. Many fisherman will just take off the fins of sharks and leave the body of the shark out to die. Shark conservation is something that countries should look at and not treating these animals inhumanely  "In 2016, In June 2016, NOAA Fisheries published a final rule to implement the domestic provisions of the Shark Conservation Act. The final rule, which mirrors the language in the Shark Conservation Act, prohibits any person from removing shark fins at sea or possessing, transferring, or landing shark fins unless they are naturally attached to the corresponding carcass" (NOAA Fisheries).  With these new rules coming into place hopefully people will realize follow and start tp advocate for shark conservation also.




  1. I definitely agree that sharks have a very negative stigma surrounding them. All animals react in the same way - if they are provoked or feel threatened, they will attack. I'm sure that with all of the threatened species of sharks, it is harming the ecosystem which will eventually pose a threat to us and our food supply from the ocean. I think that the new Shark Conservation Act is a great start and hopefully it will prevent people from killing these animals!

  2. This makes me so sad. I had no idea that sharks were being killed so often. I feel that sharks, like most animals that go extinct are in the predator category. meanwhile deer are responsible for killing more people than sharks do each year. But yet sharks are always portrayed as the "bad guy". Like how is that fair?

  3. This is so sad! I don't understand why sharks have such a negative idea about them they are just animals. I honestly think sometimes people are the ones that start something with a shark and the animal is just trying to protect its self. Most surfers when attacked are attacked because they think the surf board is a seal one of the common things that sharks eat. Its terrible that sharks are killed for their fins and people actually think of them as bad when they are getting endangered.

  4. Sharks are just like any other fish in the sea and its terrible to see such things happening to them. Many people hear about shark attacks and automatically think they are dangerous. But there are people who go snorkeling or diving who swim with sharks all the time and they are completely safe. An elephant could be just as dangerous as a shark, but people see them as beautiful rather than deadly, but in a way they are kind of the same. It is not right that this is being tolerated and allowed to do something to an animal that is going extinct. Sharks are at the top of the food chain and play an important role in keeping the ocean healthy and stabilized. Without them, who knows how much the ocean would be in danger than it already is.
